
Thursday, November 28, 2019


Me and my buddy Ihaia made a Tukutuku panel together with our kaiako, Matua Punehu. 

Ko te ingoa o teenei tukutuku ko: Te Whare Pourewa
E toru ngaa waahanga o te tukutuku nei.
Ko te waahanga tuatahi he whakaohooho i ngaa koorero puuraakau a Rongo raaua ko Tuu i te paerangi.
Ko te waahanga tuarua he whakakoorero i teetahi tongikura i whakataukiitia ai e Kiingi Taawhiao, “He roimata taku kai i te ao, i te poo”.
Ko te waahanga tuatoru ko te pakanga i Rangiriri i te tau 1863, ko ngaa tae o te maunga e tohu ana i ngaa tini iwi i tae atu ki te tautoko!
The name of this tukutuku panel is: Te Whare Pourewa 
There are 3 parts to this tukutuku.
The first part awakens the lost koorero of our Maaori gods, it was the big pakanga between the god of peace & the god of war (Tuu & Rongo). When Tuu-mata-uenga went to Taane-Maahuta and asked him for a weapon to defeat his brother Rongomaataane. Taane and Ruru-tangi-aakau gifted their first born son (Te Akerautangi) to Tuu-mata-uenga, it was a weapon of mass destruction, the first ever taiaha born. Rongomaataane went to Tangaroa and asked for a weapon, Tangaroa then sent him to Poutini, the god of green stone, Poutini gifted Rongo Meremere-tuu-ahiahi. The pakanga took place at Poohutukawa, at the end of the battle Tuu-mata-uenga defeated Rongomaataane, the battle was then named Moenga-toto.
The second part is a pattern called ngaa roimata turuturu, the colour blue represents Tangaroa, the reason for the roimata pattern is a sign of sadness to all that have polluted Tangaroa. And also to revive one of the tongikura from Kiingi Taawhiao. “He roimata taku kai i te ao, i te pō”.
The third part to this tukutuku is to honour the brave few Maaori that stood against the many Paakehaa, the Aoraki Maunga pattern shows all the different iwi that were apart of the Rangiriri land wars in 1863! Green represents Waikato Horopounamu, and the other two greens represent Kiingi Taawhiao and Wiremu Tamihana, who led te iwi Maaori at the time of Rangiriri. The blue represents Tauranga Moana. The yellow and red represent the two iwi of Ngai Tuuhoe. 

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